Whenever we go on vacation we always take the 'common' pictures. For instance for those who have either gone to Washington DC or have looked at pictures of the capitol in a book... everyone's picture looks the same. That was a challenge to me...to take the same picture that everyone else has taken and to make it my own through the composition of the photo.
The picture above is of the American Flag (Duh! lol) This picture was fun to take as the flag whipped in the wind... I felt that I had to take this picture because after all we were at the capital and it just wouldnt be right if I did not :o)!

To the left is another familiar picture right? The Capitol. How many times have we seen this picture?? I decided to be a little different and cut the rest of the capitol building out and foucs on the beauty of the top of the capitol. What do you think??
Overall....Did I succeed in making the pictures my own???Regardless I had a GREAT time running around and taking pictures. i cant wait to go back and take a few night shots.
I really like the black and white shot of where Dr. King made his speech. It looks like a picture from the 20's or 30's - not present day. It is cool.